WELCOME to the Memphis Bridal Show on-line. Our LIVE Shows are back and we are set! Just go to www.MemphisBridalShow.com for details.
So come plan that PERFECT wedding.
Most of our vendors have a video, along with our on-line fashion show with DAVID’S BRIDAL. If you ‘click’ the Logo, Icon or picture with each vendor, it will take you to their web site for more information.
BRIDES & GROOMS - If you have not signed up on our web site yet, be sure to do so at the button below. We will be selecting various brides to win a $100 Gift Card from Mid-South Shows and other door prizes, donated from our vendors.
Looking for something you cannot find? Have questions or complaints? Maybe you just want to share your wedding story! You can email us at bridalshowmemphis@gmail.com .
Enjoy the show.